Bite Guards
Nocturnal parafunctional activity has the potential to seriously damage the teeth, muscles, and joints of some patients. Restorations on damaged teeth are often subject to the very same destructive forces and may fracture as a result of severe bruxism and clenching. NDX appliances are designed to prevent the harmful effects of nocturnal parafunction, and are made with the most durable materials using industry leading techniques. For details on choosing the best option for your patient, contact our technical service team.

Comfort H/S™
Benefits of Comfort H/S™
Adjustment Tips
Patient Care
Taking the Bite Registration
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Crystal Clear®
Benefits of Crystal Clear®
Patient Care
Design Features
Taking the Bite Registration
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What is Thermo-Guard™? Composed of a unique composite material, Thermo-Guard™ is thinner than a traditional hard/soft guard, but durable enough for the active nocturnal bruxer. Thermo-Guard™ becomes flexible under hot water, making it easier to insert and more comfortable to wear. When the material cools to intraoral temperature it becomes hard enough to protect your patients’ teeth and restorations.
When you receive the Thermo-Guard™ from the laboratory, it will have a cloudy appearance. Not to worry, the cloudiness will disappear in about 48-72 hours, leaving a nice clear acrylic nightguard. Thermo-Guard™ softens slightly in warm water so it conforms more readily to tooth contours. Immediately prior to insertion, immerse the Thermo-Guard™ in hot tap water for one to two minutes. This simple step will allow final customization for the patient’s optimum comfort.Compared to Hard/Soft Guards
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Whether for a pro or amateur, no athlete’s equipment set is complete without a proper mouthguard. We offer the utmost in protection while also providing a comfortable fit. Our SportsGuards are made from dual-layered laminated sheet vinyl for maximum protection against tooth breakage during sports activity. Pressure-fabricated from an impression, they offer much better fit and protection than the traditional “boil-and-bite” mouthguards. SportsGuards are available in a variety of colors and can be customized with your patient’s name or team logo.
Click to download the following ADA articles for more information on mouthguards:Advantages
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