How To Pack A Case

Packing Your Case

Your patients are important to us, and ensuring we receive their case safely is the first step to a successful case. Please follow the steps below to guarantee your case will arrive successfully!

Complete and sign the prescription form

Place the following items in the case box:
  • Prescription form
  • Impression(s)
  • Bites and upper/lower study models
  • Complete contact information
  • All other relevant information
  • If you would like to send digital photos for your case, please email us your photos with the name of the dentist and patient included so we can match the photos back to your case.

Packing tips:
  • Seal impressions, models and bites in sanitary bag.
  • Carefully wrap models in bubble pouches.
  • Put small items in a labeled envelope or vial.
  • Multiple cases may be sent within the same package, but wrapped and labeled individually.

Seal box securely using packing tape. Regular tape will not hold up through the shipping process.

Send Case Via Email

NDX Lords can accept digital files from almost every intraoral scanner on the market. Click here for directions on sending your scans to us.

Need More Supplies?

If you need more shipping labels, boxes, bubble pouches or RX Forms.

  • call us at 1-800-821-0859
    to order additional supplies.