nSequence® is revolutionizing the way all-on-x and immediate implant reconstruction cases are thought of and performed. In-depth case planning with experienced technicians and the exacting precision of digital fabrication means your surgeries will be smooth and result in superior final restorations for the patient. Regardless of your experience level, NDX and our partners are ready to support you in taking the next step forward.
Click to download the following additional information:
nSequence® Surgeon Brochure
Recommended Photo Series
Definitive Prosthesis RX Form (if bundled package not purchased)
nSequence® Restorative Preparation Sheet

nSequence® Guided Prosthetics® Kit & Workflow
nSequence combines a proprietary, 3D facially-driven, digital workflow with patient-specific surgical guides, to deliver superior implant-supported restorations. Pre-plan your case digitally, and save time during surgery! The nSequence Guided Prosthetics Kit & Workflow utilizes a simplified surgical and prosthetic approach for immediate loading that is collaborative and efficient. The kit includes a stackable system consisting of bone reduction and foundation guides, a surgical guide, an angulation guide for accurate angled abutment placement, and a customized long-term provisional restoration. A comprehensive surgical report and customized componentry for the restorative steps of the process are also included.
Our advanced solutions for implant-supported full arch restorations are:
Using the latest 3D design software, our team works in close collaboration with the surgeon, laboratory technician and restorative doctor to prepare a patient-specific treatment plan.
By starting with precise facial and orthodontic placement of the patient’s full arch prosthetic, nSequence guides accurate implant placement while improving aesthetics and proper function.
The nSequence proactive, multi-disciplinary approach is a comprehensive guide that saves substantial time for the surgeon, restorer and patient. Better outcomes, better aesthetics, better care and a better patient experience!